Leadership & Directors

Jon R. Cohen, M.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Jon R. Cohen, M.D. is Talkspace’s Chief Executive Officer, charged with day-to-day leadership of the company, and has served as a board director since September 2022. Dr. Cohen brings more than 30 years of healthcare experience as a seasoned strategic leader with extensive P/L and operational
Ian Harris
Chief Financial Officer
Ian Harris is Chief Financial Officer of Talkspace, responsible for oversight and leadership of all the financial functions. He most recently served as a Partner at Hudson Executive Capital LP, an alternative investment firm. At Hudson Executive Capital, Mr.
Gil Margolin photo
Chief Technology Officer
Gil Margolin is the CTO at Talkspace where he envisioned a two-sided platform serving therapists in providing online therapy to people seeking help. He oversees the Software Engineering, Product and Operations departments and established software development, release management, monitoring, and
Nikole Benders-Hadi
Chief Medical Officer
Nikole Benders-Hadi, M.D. is a board-certified psychiatrist and Chief Medical Officer at Talkspace, where she leads Talkspace's clinical practice, partnering with providers to deliver the highest quality digital mental health care. Dr. Benders-Hadi earned her BA in Public Health from Johns Hopkins
Erin Boyd
Chief Growth Officer, Payor
Erin Boyd is Talkspace’s Chief Growth Officer, Payor. A proven leader in the healthcare industry, Erin brings a successful 25-year track record of managing sales operations, business development, strategy and marketing. Erin is responsible for driving growth and delivering differentiated solutions
Andrea Cooper
Chief People Officer
Andrea Cooper is a human resources executive who has invested more than 20 years to the practice of improving employee experiences. She currently leads the People function for Talkspace, an online and mobile therapy company whose mission is “therapy for all”.
Natalie Cummins
Chief Business Officer
Natalie Cummins is a healthcare executive with 30 years of experience leading the commercialization of products and services that change the paradigm of healthcare, while helping to develop individuals/teams to reach their full potential.  As Chief Business Officer at Talkspace Natalie is
John Mooney
Chief Product Officer
John Mooney is the Chief Product Officer at Talkspace, where he leads growth initiatives, product strategy & design.  John and his team focus on creating unique platform capabilities that meet our growing member base where they are.  John has spent his career driving innovation for high-growth
Richie Nguyen
Chief Network Officer
Richie Nguyen is Talkspace's Chief Network Officer. Richie oversees Talkspace's network of therapists and psychiatry clinicians, focusing on network growth, provider experience, and quality. Richie comes to Talkspace with deep healthcare experience in strategy, operations, and general management.
Mary Potter
Chief of Compliance & Privacy
Mary Potter is a seasoned compliance professional who serves as the Chief Compliance Officer, Chief Privacy Officer and Chief Information Security Officer of Talkspace, where she oversees the company’s data privacy and security protocols, procedures and policies.
John Reilly picture
Chief Legal Officer and EVP, Government Relations
John Reilly has served as Talkspace’s Corporate, General Counsel, and now Chief Legal Officer, since March 2011. Prior to Talkspace, Mr. Reilly was a partner of Hilltop Holdings from 2004-2011, where he managed hospitality and real estate investments for private portfolio investors and acted as a
Katelyn Watson
Chief Marketing Officer
Katelyn leads all brand, advertising, and communications activities at Talkspace. She brings more than 20 years of experience building brands and messaging focused on both consumers and businesses. Her experience spans the digital healthcare, hospitality, and ecommerce industries and includes work